Costa Rica Expeditions

When to come to Costa Rica?

When deciding when to come to Costa Rica, the first thing to keep in mind is that there is very little difference in temperature between the coldest months, January and February and the hottest months, April and May. Temperatures in Costa Rica are very stable, and they change according to the altitude not to the time of the year.

Hanging Bridges in the Arenal Volcano Region

Don’t pay attention to what you’ve read about dry and rainy seasons. The weather in Costa Rica is too complicated to be divided into just two seasons.

The rainiest months in some regions are the driest months in other regions. Use our Rainfall Chart to make informed decisions:

Costa Rica Expeditions Rainfall Chart and Temperature

Normally the pattern during the wet months is clear mornings and an hour or two of torrential rain any time from noon. Very occasionally a large low-pressure system can cause a week of solid rain. This is most likely to happen August through October in most of the country and least likely to happen these same months in the Caribbean.

Turtle Nesting in the Pacific Coast


Costa Rica is never crowded compared to mass tourism destinations. Nevertheless, during the most crowded times many facilities are at peak capacity, which means longer waits and less personalized service.

Most Crowded times:

-December 15-the Monday After New Years.

-U.S. Presidents Week. The least crowded of the most crowded times.

-Spring break in U.S. schools and Easter Week.

Least Crowded Times

-May to Mid-November.

A Boat Tour During a Rainy Day in Tortuguero


Costa Rica has great birding all over the country year around.

Here are some highlights.

Spring Bird Migration: March –April. Northern migratory birds that have been wintering in South America travel north to their breeding grounds.

Fall Bird Migration: July – October. Northern migratory birds travel south, some stay here and others pass through heading further south to their wintering grounds.

Raptor Migration. September and October.

Monkeys: Year Around.

Orchids: Year Around.
Sloths: Year Around.

Turtle Nesting

Atlantic Greens

Best Place: Tortuguero

Breeding: May-August. There is a good chance you will not get to see breeding because the sea is too rough to get out in the ocean.

Nesting: June-October. During the peak months, July and August you have about an 85% chance of observing nesting

Hatching: August-November. Best to be on the beach before dawn.

Nesting and hatching: August.

Whale watching:

Humpback Migration from North America. December – April.

Humpback Migration from South America. June – October

The only months were there are no Humpback whales in Costa Rica are May and November.

Killed Billed Toucans are Commonly Seen in Costa Rica

Do you want to plan a vacation during the perfect time for you? Just click below and let´s start

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